Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Death Do Us Part"

This is actually a post I've made on a facebook page of mine under my pen name. Wrote it a while back, but I think it's a good read and I wanna give more people a chance to read it who may not have seen it. You can find the page here:
How is divorce ever acceptable in marriage? (It's not.)
Marriage is a vow, a promise to love and be with eachother until death. If you chose to marry, that's what you are telling your bride/bridegroom. There's nothing in there mentioning that you can divorce when you've "stopped loving eachother." And if you are basing your love off of a feeling all by itself, then you need to wake up! Feelings always change. Of course Love is a feeling, but it doesn't mean you will always "be in love." The feeling can come and go like normal feelings.
Especially when you first fall in love you'll have that nice fuzzy new feeling that we all enjoy. These new feelings are usually present in all new relationships and can last for 6 months up to 3 years. And alot of people like to leave once that feeling fades. But if you leave when the feeling fades, then you never really truly loved that person, because a true love is not based alone on the feeling, it's the choice to be with that person no matter what you may be feeling at that time. So true love includes both a feeling and the choice.
These are good things to think about before choosing to marry someone too. Will you still be there when they're sick, injured, poor, sad? Or will you still be there when you get angry at them, or they sadden you somehow? In other words, will you survive the hard times with them? If not, then rethink your relationship. Find someone you could survive being with for your whole life through everything.
And for those who are already married, but feel like they are not with the right person, go back in time: what were the things that made you fall in love with them? Make a list. After that, divide it into two categories. 1.) Can't be taken away 2.) CAN be taken away.
The more you have in the first category, the better. And Im not saying that having things in the second category is necessarily bad either. Just the more in the first, the better. And if you don't have very many in the first category take some time to think. Is there anything at all you could put there? I know this might be just as hard for happily married couples to come up with because for example, you can't write down their looks(those fade with time.) But just see what you come up with.
If you really feel no reason to be in the marriage though, just remember you made a promise. And think about why you got married in the first place. And you better fight to keep it together because THAT marriage is IRREPLACABLE. You can fall in love with so many people, but there's only one person you can choose to be with all your life. Once you divorce, you break that and you can never get it back. The same for abortion. For example, that baby is irreplacable as much as people say it's just a "ball of cells," if you were to let that child grow up, then you would never find another like it. So, why do we throw away some of the most special gifts in the world?
FIGHT against what is pulling you apart, because whatever it is, it's trying to take that gift away from you, and if you divorce, you are only letting evil win.
Thank you for reading again. smile emoticon Feel free to contact me if you need to. Leave opinions in the comments, etc. I'm no expert on this subject, but I am doing what I can and I hope it saves many marriages, even just one.
~Cassie DiAmica xoxox
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